Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

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H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
176.63 W VIII 1 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f14.5p4.(1D2).6s (2,1/2)3/2 583560
176.694 W VIII 4 - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f14.5p4.(3P1).6s (1,1/2)3/2 568644
177.232 W VIII - - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f14.5p4.(1D2).6s (2,1/2)5/2 581635
178.26 W LI - - 3d43/2.3d25/2 (0,0)0 208000 3d33/2.3d35/2 (3/2,5/2)1 768980
178.46 W LIII - - 3d33/2.3d5/2 (3/2,5/2)4 613000 3d23/2.3d25/2 (2,4)5 1173350
181.41 W VIII - - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f14.5p4.(3P1).6s (1,1/2)3/2 568644
181.888 W VIII - - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f14.5p4.(3P1).6s (1,1/2)3/2 568644
182.76 W L - - 3d43/2.3d35/2 (0,5/2)5/2 158750 3d33/2.3d45/2 (3/2,2)7/2 705920
184.68 W LVI - - 3p5.(2P°3/2).3d2.(3F2) (3/2,2)°7/2 2136600 3p5.(2P°3/2).3d2.(3F3) (3/2,3)°9/2 2678100
185.67 W ILVIII - - 3p6.3d9 2D5/2 0 3p6.3d9 2D3/2 538590
186.7 W L - - 3d43/2.3d35/2 (0,3/2)3/2 103000 3d33/2.3d45/2 (3/2,2)1/2 638620
187.608 W VIII - - 4f14.5p5 21/2 89123 4f13.5p5.(5/2,1/2)2.6s (2,1/2)3/2 622123
188.159 W VII 15 - 4f14.5p6 1S0 0 4f14.5p5.(2P°1/2).6s (1/2,1/2)°1 531465
188.67 W LIV 2 - 3d33/2 (3/2,0)3/2 0 3d23/2.3d5/2 (2,5/2)5/2 530030
188.78 W XLIX - - 3d43/2.3d45/2 (0,2)2 73400 3d33/2.3d55/2 (3/2,5/2)2 603120
188.8 W L 1 - 3d43/2.3d35/2 (0,9/2)9/2 0 3d33/2.3d45/2 (3/2,4)7/2 529660
189.616 W VIII 1 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)4.6s (4,1/2)7/2 527376
189.667 W VIII 1 - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f14.5p4.(1D2).5d (2,5/2)1/2 528462
189.88 W XLIX 1 - 3d43/2.3d45/2 (0,4)4 0 3d33/2.3d55/2 (3/2,5/2)3 526650
189.96 W LII - - 3d33/2.3d25/2 (3/2,4)11/2 577000 3d23/2.3d35/2 (2,9/2)11/2 1103430
190.47 W L - - 3d43/2.3d35/2 (0,3/2)3/2 103000 3d33/2.3d45/2 (3/2,4)5/2 628020
191.348 W VIII - - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f12.(1S0).5p6.5d (0,5/2)5/2 522610
191.49 W XLVII - - 3p6.3d9.4s (5/2,1/2)2 12613550 3p6.3d9.4s (3/2,1/2)1 13135770
191.617 W VIII 2 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)2.6s (2,1/2)5/2 521876
191.77 W LV - - 3d2 (3/2,3/2)0 188000 3d2 (3/2,5/2)1 709460
192.07 W VIII - - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)2.6s (2,1/2)5/2 521876
192.39 W LI 1 - 3d43/2.3d25/2 (0,4)4 0 3d33/2.3d35/2 (3/2,9/2)4 519780
193.19 W LIII 2 - 3d43/2 (0,0)0 0 3d33/2.3d5/2 (3/2,5/2)1 517630
193.614 W VIII 6 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.5d 5/2 516493
194.077 W VIII 1 - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f13.5p5.5d 5/2 516493
194.315 W VIII - - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)3.6s (3,1/2)5/2 514628
194.397 W VIII 6 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)3.6s (3,1/2)7/2 514413
194.45 W LIII - - 3d33/2.3d5/2 (3/2,5/2)4 613000 3d23/2.3d25/2 (2,4)4 1127270
194.527 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(7/2,3/2)2.6s (2,1/2)5/2 514063
194.998 W VIII - - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f13.5p5.(7/2,3/2)2.6s (2,1/2)5/2 514063
195.021 W VIII - - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(5/2,1/2)2.5d (2,3/2)7/2 512790
195.598 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)1.6s (1,1/2)3/2 528652
196.093 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)4.6s (4,1/2)7/2 527376
196.84 W LI - - 3d43/2.3d25/2 (0,4)4 0 3d33/2.3d35/2 (3/2,9/2)3 508030
197.835 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f12.5p6.5d 3/2 522881
197.941 W VIII 7 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f12.(1S0).5p6.5d (0,5/2)5/2 522610
198.171 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(7/2,3/2)5.6s (5,1/2)9/2 504615
198.229 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f13.5p5.(5/2,3/2)2.6s (2,1/2)5/2 521876
198.625 W VIII - - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f12.5p6.5d 3/2 522881
198.779 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(7/2,3/2)4.6s (4,1/2)7/2 503071
199.875 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(7/2,3/2)3.6s (3,1/2)5/2 500313
200.367 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 25/2 17410 4f13.5p5.5d 5/2 516493
200.483 W VIII 10 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(7/2,1/2)4.5d (4,3/2)7/2 498792
200.787 W VIII 9 - 4f13.5p6 27/2 0 4f13.5p5.(7/2,1/2)4.5d (4,3/2)5/2 498037
201.079 W VIII 10 - 4f14.5p5 23/2 1233 4f14.5p4.5d 3/2 498541
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