Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
2928.4404 Pt II 7 - 5d8.(3F).6p (4,3/2)°7/2 61665.5284 5d8.(3F).7s (4,1/2)9/2 95803.401
2929.79131 Pt I 540 - 5d9.6s 3D3 0 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452
2930.7847 Pt I 40 - 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 54 30156.846 5d8.(3F4).6s.6d.(3D?) a (4,?)5 64267.433
2931.609 Pt II 4 - 5d7.6s2 2H11/2 48591.109 5d7.6s.6p 82692°9/2 82692.28
2933.971 Pt II 2 - 5d8.(3F).6p (3,3/2)°7/2 71314.622 5d8.(3F).6d (4,5/2)9/2 105388.167
2934.662 Pt II - - 5d8.(3F).6p (3,3/2)°9/2 71021.175 5d8.(3F).6d (4,5/2)7/2 105086.89
2936.611 Pt I 5 - 5d8.6s2 3F2 15501.8344 5d9.6p a 31 49544.552
2937.208 Pt II 8 - 5d7.6s2 2H9/2 58491.285 5d7.(2H).6s.6p.(3P°) 92526°11/2 92526.98
2937.9421 Pt II 35 - 5d8.(3P).6p 79092°3/2 79092.198 5d8.(3P).7s (1,1/2)1/2 113119.666
2938.8101 Pt I 55 - 5d8.6s2 1G4 21967.101 5d8.6s.(2G).6p 35 55984.5279
2939.141 Pt II - - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) 71948°5/2 71948.954 5d8.(3F).7s (3,1/2)5/2 105962.56
2940.388 Pt I 1 - 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452 5d9.6d b 3G4 68121.568
2941.339 Pt II 1 - 5d7.6s.6p 83352°7/2 83352.33 5d8.(1G).7s (4,1/2)9/2 117340.901
2941.979 Pt II 1 - 5d7.6s.6p 78452°3/2 78452.536 5d8.(3P).7s (1,1/2)3/2 112433.359
2944.7525 Pt I 65 - 5d9.6s 3D2 6567.4517 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 52 40516.229
2944.932 Pt II - - 5d8.6p 75581°3/2 75581.466 5d8.(3P).6d (2,3/2)5/2 109527.947
2946.21 Pt II - - 5d7.6s2 4P5/2 41434.119 5d7.6s.6p 75365°5/2 75365.892
2950.321 Pt I - - 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452 5d9.6d 3G3 68006.936
2953.712 Pt II 7 - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) 71948°5/2 71948.954 5d8.(3F).7s (3,1/2)7/2 105794.571
2954.788 Pt II 2 - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) 77538°3/2 77538.29 5d8.(3P).7s (0,1/2)1/2 111371.761
2957.522 Pt II 3 - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) 83538°11/2 83538.58 5d8.(1G).7s (4,1/2)9/2 117340.901
2957.909 Pt II 7 - 5d8.6p 76610°3/2 76610.092 5d8.(3F).6d (2,5/2)3/2 110408.1257
2958.021 Pt II 5 - 5d7.6s.6p 76461°5/2 76461.582 5d8.(3F).7s (2,1/2)3/2 110258.22
2958.254 Pt II 20 - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) (9/2,0)°9/2 62820.534 5d8.(3F).7s (4,1/2)7/2 96614.398
2958.5026 Pt II 9 - 5d8.6s 2D3/2 32237.05 5d8.(3P).6p (2,3/2)°3/2 66028.059
2959.0936 Pt I 35 - 5d8.6s2 3F2 15501.8344 5d8.6s.(4P).6p b 53 49286.1051
2959.258 Pt II 1 - 5d7.6s2 2G9/2 43737.431 5d7.6s.6p 77519°9/2 77519.775
2962.019 Pt II - - 5d7.6s2 4P5/2 41434.119 5d8.(1G).6p (4,1/2)°7/2 75184.933
2966.782 Pt II 2 - 5d7.6s.6p 76461°5/2 76461.582 5d8.(3F).7s (2,1/2)5/2 110158.213
2969.822 Pt II 4 - 5d7.6s2 2G7/2 50564.651 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) 84226°5/2 84226.67
2971.069 Pt II - - 5d8.6p 76610°3/2 76610.092 5d8.(3F).7s (2,1/2)3/2 110258.22
2973.162 Pt II 2 - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) 77538°3/2 77538.29 5d8.(3F).6d (2,5/2)5/2 111162.724
2973.739 Pt II - - 5d7.6s2 2G7/2 50564.651 5d8.(1G).6p 84182°9/2 84182.738
2978.051 Pt I 3 - 5d8.6s2 1G4 21967.101 5d8.6s.(2P).6p 33 55536.263
2979. Pt II - - 5d8.6s 2G9/2 29262.0099 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) (9/2,0)°9/2 62820.534
2979.1696 Pt II 4 - 5d8.6s 2F5/2 23461.548 5d8.(3P).6p (2,1/2)°5/2 57018.176
2979.793 Pt II 5 - 5d7.6s2 4P3/2 42031.892 5d8.6p 75581°3/2 75581.466
2979.9237 Pt II 15 - 5d8.6p 76610°3/2 76610.092 5d8.(3F).7s (2,1/2)5/2 110158.213
2982.801 Pt II 2 - 5d8.6s 2D5/2 32918.605 5d8.(3P).6p (2,3/2)°7/2 66434.382
2983.7465 Pt I 8 - 5d8.6s2 3P1 18566.545 5d8.6s.(4P).6p 51 52071.669
2985.39 Pt II - - 5d7.6s2 4F3/2 37877.855 5d8.(3F).6p (3,3/2)°3/2 71364.741
2986.942 Pt II - - 5d7.6s2 4F5/2 36484.069 5d8.(3F).6p (3,3/2)°5/2 69953.37
2989.899 Pt II 1 - 5d7.(4P).6s.6p.(3P°) 79683°1/2 79683.43 5d8.(3P).7s (1,1/2)1/2 113119.666
2991.4665 Pt II 210 - 5d7.(4F).6s.6p.(3P°) (9/2,1)°7/2 67780.47 5d8.(3P).7s (2,1/2)5/2 101199.134
2992.171 Pt II 2 - 5d8.6p 76610°3/2 76610.092 5d8.(3P).6d (2,5/2)1/2 110020.912
2997.6163 Pt II 25 - 5d8.6s 2D3/2 32237.05 5d8.(3P).6p (0,1/2)°1/2 65587.156
2997.9622 Pt I 675 - 5d9.6s a 1D2 775.8761 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452
2998.4 Pt II 8 - 5d8.(3P).6p 79092°3/2 79092.198 5d8.(3P).7s (1,1/2)3/2 112433.359
2999.049 Pt II 5 - 5d7.6s2 4P3/2 42031.892 5d7.6s.6p 75365°5/2 75365.892
3001.141 Pt II 8 - 5d8.(1G).6p 84182°9/2 84182.738 5d8.(1G).7s (4,1/2)7/2 117493.564
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