Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
4261.98 Ne III 35 15 2s2.2p3.(4S°).4p 3P2 434325.76 2s2.2p3.(4S°).5s 31 457782.4
4262.442 Ne II 6 2 2s2.2p4.(1D).3d 2G9/2 305364.004 2s2.2p4.(1D2).4f 2[3]°7/2 328818.054
4262.479 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).13d 2[7/2]°3 173278.15
4265.22 Ne III 30 12 2s2.2p3.(4S°).4p 3P1 434343.564 2s2.2p3.(4S°).5s 31 457782.4
4267.286 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[5/2]°2 171685.289
4267.382 Ne II 8 4 2s2.2p4.(3P).3d 4F9/2 280172.9854 2s2.2p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°7/2 303599.9098
4267.724 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[3/2]°1 171682.914
4268.0086 Ne I 10 5 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[3/2]°2 171681.348
4268.05 Ne III 25 10 2s2.2p3.(4S°).4p 3P0 434359.09 2s2.2p3.(4S°).5s 31 457782.4
4269.7223 Ne I 10 5 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[1/2]°1 171671.928
4270.2252 Ne I 8 3 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).7d 2[1/2]°0 171669.172
4274.6617 Ne I 8 3 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[3/2]°1 171644.882
4275.167 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[5/2]°2 171642.158
4275.559 Ne I 10 5 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).6d 2[3/2]°2 171639.9741
4278.85 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]3 149657.0392 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).11d 2[5/2]°3 173021.29
4279.279 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]3 149657.0392 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).11d 2[7/2]°4 173018.89
4280.4373 Ne II - - 2s2.2p4.(3P).3d 4F9/2 280172.9854 2s2.2p4.(3P1).4f 2[4]°7/2 303528.5122
4280.5813 Ne II - - 2s2.2p4.(3P).3d 4F9/2 280172.9854 2s2.2p4.(3P1).4f 2[4]°9/2 303527.7267
4283.242 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).12d 2[7/2]°3 173164.46
4288.541 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]3 149657.0392 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).12s 2[3/2]°2 172968.51
4289.799 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).13s 2[3/2]°1 173128.85
4290.374 Ne II 15 7 2s2.2p4.(1D).3d 2G9/2 305364.004 2s2.2p4.(1D2).4f 2[5]°11/2 328665.44
4290.602 Ne II 25 10 2s2.2p4.(1D).3d 2G7/2 305365.116 2s2.2p4.(1D2).4f 2[5]°9/2 328665.31
4291.976 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[3/2]2 150315.8612 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).10d 2[5/2]°3 173608.54
4294.27 Ne II 3 1 2s2.2p4.(3P).4p 45/2 290371.9268 2s2.2p4.(3P).6s 4P3/2 313652.1424
4298.094 Ne II 2 1 2s2.2p4.(3P).3d 2D5/2 280268.9453 2s2.2p4.(3P1).4f 2[4]°7/2 303528.5122
4303.248 Ne I 5 2 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°1 171489.486
4303.695 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[3/2]1 150121.5922 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).9d 2[3/2]°1 173350.78
4303.955 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[3/2]1 150121.5922 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).9d 2[5/2]°2 173349.46
4306.2508 Ne I 10 5 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).8s 2[3/2]°2 171473.311
4310.13 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).11d 2[7/2]°3 173018.85
4313.8 Ne VIII 15 7 1s.2s.(3S).8f 4 9118338 1s.2s.(3S).9g 4G 9141513
4314.11 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]3 149657.0392 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).10d 2[5/2]°3 172830.25
4314.695 Ne I 5 2 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]3 149657.0392 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).10d 2[7/2]°4 172827.13
4316.008 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).8d 2[5/2]°3 172987.283
4318.834 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).12s 2[3/2]°1 172972.289
4319.511 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]2 149824.2215 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).12s 2[3/2]°2 172968.51
4321.492 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[3/2]1 150121.5922 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).10s 2[1/2]°0 173255.24
4322.371 Ne II 2 1 2s2.2p4.(1D).3d 2P3/2 305566.923 2s2.2p4.(1D2).4f 2[2]°5/2 328695.864
4322.742 Ne II - - 2s2.2p4.(3P).3d 2D3/2 280473.555 2s2.2p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°5/2 303600.498
4324.62 Ne II 5 2 2s2.2p4.(3P).4p 43/2 290583.1503 2s2.2p4.(3P).6s 4P1/2 313700.1049
4325.232 Ne II 20 9 2s2.2p4.(1D).3d 2P1/2 305582.249 2s2.2p4.(1D2).4f 2[2]°3/2 328695.882
4327.265 Ne I 2 1 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[5/2]3 149657.0392 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).11s 2[3/2]°2 172759.82
4331.8 Ne VIII 30 14 1s2.8d 2D5/2 1818658 1s2.9f 2 1841734
4334.1267 Ne I 10 5 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).7s 2[1/2]°1 171324.0107
4336.2268 Ne I 8 4 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[1/2]1 148257.7898 2s2.2p5.(2P°1/2).7s 2[1/2]°0 171312.8413
4337.72 Ne VIII 60 29 1s2.8f 2 1818691.1 1s2.9g 2G 1841738.2
4338.2 Ne I - - 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).3p 2[3/2]1 150121.5922 2s2.2p5.(2P°3/2).12d 2[5/2]°2 173166.15
4339.5 Ne VII 15 7 1s2.2p.3p 3D3 1156150 1s2.2p.3d 34 1179188
4339.8209 Ne II 2 1 2s2.2p4.(3P).3d 2D3/2 280473.555 2s2.2p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°5/2 303509.514
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