Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

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H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
20183.9 Fe I - - 3d6.4s2 a 3P21 19552.478 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 72 24506.917
20196.677 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).5d 6G7/2 105065.627 3d6.(3H).5p 45/2 110016.915
20198.2087 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 6D9/2 101698.519 3d5.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) 611/2 106649.452
20204.778 Fe II - - 3d6.(3H).4d 4F5/2 104507.058 3d6.(3P2).5p 43/2 109456.381
20207.232 Fe I - - 3d7.(4P).4p u 52 46888.517 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 5P3 51837.238
20212.96 Fe II - - 3d6.(3H).4d 4G7/2 103921.637 3d6.(3H).5p 49/2 108868.956
20215.704 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F2).4d 4D3/2 105460.233 3d6.(3F2).5p 43/2 110406.879
20217.34 Fe I - - 3d7.(2G).4p w 32 49433.131 3d7.(4F).4d e 3G3 54379.384
20218.66 Fe II - - 3d6.(3H).4d 4F7/2 105220.61 3d6.(3F2).5p 49/2 110166.534
20221.1 Fe III 1 - 3d6 3D3 30857.69 3d6 a 1D2 35803.01
20227.7491 Fe II - - 3d6.(3G).4d 4I9/2 108929.031 3d6.(5D1).5f 2[4]°9/2 113872.758
20233.501 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 5P3 51837.238 3d6.4s.(6D9/2).4f 2[5/2]°2 56779.538
20234.474 Fe II - - 3d6.(3P2).4d 2F5/2 103597.409 3d5.(2F1).4s.4p.(3P°) 45/2 108539.473
20235.412 Fe II - - 3d5.(2F1).4s.4p.(3P°) 45/2 108539.473 3d6.(5D).7s 4D3/2 113481.304
20242.8 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 5P3 51837.238 3d6.4s.(6D9/2).4f 2[5/2]°3 56777.262
20248.76 Fe II - - 3d6.(3P2).4d 2F7/2 103191.968 3d5.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) 65/2 108130.542
20249.533 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 6D1/2 102666.741 3d6.(5D).6p 63/2 107605.127
20253.54 Fe II - - 3d5.(2F1).4s.4p.(3P°) 47/2 107459.78 3d6.(5D).7s 6D9/2 112397.186
20259.6 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4d f 5G4 53768.979 3d7.(4F9/2).4f 2[9/2]°4 58704.913
20261.182 Fe II - - 3d6.(3H).4d 4H9/2 103874.261 3d5.(4G).4s.(5G).4p 411/2 108809.81
20262.48 Fe II - - 3d5.(6S).4s.4p.(1P°) x 67/2 79331.361 3d6.(5D).4d 6P7/2 84266.594
20263.533 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).4d e 4G7/2 85462.907 3d6.(5D).5p 47/2 90397.873
20267.665 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 4D5/2 102802.353 3d6.(5D).6p 43/2 107736.321
20272.913 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F2).4d 2G7/2 106900.373 3d6.(3F2).5p 25/2 111833.063
20276.33 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4d f 5G4 53768.979 3d7.(4F9/2).4f 2[11/2]°5 58700.834
20279.881 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).5p 53 53661.079 3d7.(4F).5d 5F4 58592.074
20286.62 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(1P°) x 51 40404.518 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).5s e 5D2 45333.875
20288.275 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F2).4d 4D1/2 105477.924 3d6.(3F2).5p 43/2 110406.879
20288.855 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 5P3 51837.238 3d6.4s.(6D9/2).4f 2[7/2]°3 56766.053
20294.13 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 5P3 51837.238 3d6.4s.(6D9/2).4f 2[7/2]°4 56764.767
20294.756 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).5s e 5F3 47755.537 3d7.(2D2).4p t 32 52682.92
20298.0497 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 4D5/2 102802.353 3d5.(2D3).4s.4p.(3P°) 25/2 107728.935
20299.9859 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 6D9/2 101698.519 3d5.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) 69/2 106624.631
20312.257 Fe II - - 3d6.(3G).5s e 2G7/2 103983.496 3d5.(4G).4s.4p.(1P°) 47/2 108906.631
20318.2 Fe V 1 - 3d4 3H5 25225.5 3d4 3G4 30147.2
20320.382 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).5p n 74 49558.734 3d6.4s.(6D).6s 5D4 54479.902
20323.996 Fe II - - 3d6.(3H).4d 4H7/2 103986.338 3d5.(4G).4s.4p.(1P°) 47/2 108906.631
20332.16 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F2).4d 4D7/2 104993.879 3d6.(3H).5p 49/2 109912.188
20334.745 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 5P3 51837.238 3d6.4s.(6D9/2).4f 2[9/2]°4 56754.932
20337.298 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F2).4d 4G11/2 105063.561 3d5.(2H).4s.4p.(3P°) 411/2 109980.635
20348.696 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D3).5f 2[2]°3/2 113363.028 3d5.4p2 4P3/2 118277.347
20355.276 Fe I - - 3d8 c 3F2 33765.306 3d7.(4F).4p y 32 38678.039
20355.768 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D1).5g 2[3]5/2 113982.895 3d6.(5D3).6h 2[2]°3/2 118895.53
20363.022 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 6D3/2 102543.689 3d5.(2D3).4s.4p.(3P°) 41/2 107454.552
20366.4071 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).6s 6D9/2 101698.519 3d6.(5D).6p 67/2 106608.565
20366.694 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).4d 4S3/2 85728.846 3d6.(5D).5p 45/2 90638.823
20368.83 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).5s e 3F2 48928.388 3d7.(4F).5p 33 53837.851
20368.8323 Fe II - - 3d5.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) 69/2 107966.642 3d6.(5D).7s 4D7/2 112876.116
20377.81 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).5p t 51 51827.854 3d6.4s.(6D).5d 5D1 56735.158
20379.974 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).4d 6P3/2 84424.422 3d6.(5D).5p 63/2 89331.199
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