Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

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H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
964.951 Cs VIII - - 5s.5p 11 159326.3 5p2 1D2 262958.8
969. Cs I 1 - 5p6.5d 2D3/2 14499.2568 5p5.6s.(3P°).5d 41/2 117690
971.046 Cs VI - - 5s2.5p2 1D2 35061.4 5s.5p3 33 138042.8
971.984 Cs VII - - 5s2.5p 23/2 19379.3 5s.(2S).5p2.(3P) 4P5/2 122261.7
972.581 Cs V - - 5s2.5p3 25/2 20373.5 5s.(2S).5p4.(3P) 4P3/2 123192.4
975.163 Cs VII - - 5s.(2S).5p2.(3P) 2P1/2 158091.9 5p3 23/2 260638.4
975.744 Cs VII - - 5s2.4f 25/2 166537.8 5s.5p.(3P°).4f 4D7/2 269023.6
979.304 Cs VII - - 5s2.4f 25/2 166537.8 5s.5p.(3P°).4f 4F5/2 268650.9
979.83 Cs V - - 5s2.5p3 23/2 42273.7 5s.(2S).5p4.(1D) 2D5/2 144333
982.444 Cs VI - - 5s2.5p2 1S0 52410.3 5s.5p3 31 154198.2
983.031 Cs VII - - 5s2.4f 27/2 167297.3 5s.5p.(3P°).4f 4D7/2 269023.6
983.965 Cs VII - - 5s2.4f 25/2 166537.8 5s.5p.(3P°).4f 4F3/2 268167.3
984.311 Cs IX - - 4d10.4f 25/2 247961 4d10.5d 2D5/2 349555
984.383 Cs VII - - 5s2.4f 27/2 167297.3 5s.5p.(3P°).4f 4G9/2 268883.8
986.141 Cs IV - - 5s2.5p4 3P1 12902 5s.5p5 32 114307.7
986.647 Cs VII - - 5s2.4f 27/2 167297.3 5s.5p.(3P°).4f 4F5/2 268650.9
993.969 Cs IX - - 4d10.4f 27/2 248948 4d10.5d 2D5/2 349555
995.141 Cs IV - - 5s2.5p4 1D2 20754 5s.5p5 31 121242.5
1007.5 Cs I - - 5p6.6s 2S1/2 0 5p5.6s2 23/2 99259
1011.899 Cs V - - 5s2.5p3 23/2 15077.4 5s.(2S).5p4.(3P) 4P5/2 113901.7
1019.129 Cs IV - - 5s2.5p4 1S0 43279.4 5s2.5p3.(2D°).5d 11 141402.9
1020.118 Cs VI - - 5s2.5p2 1D2 35061.4 5s.5p3 32 133089.4
1021.539 Cs IX - - 4d10.4f 25/2 247961 4d10.5d 2D3/2 345853
1034.06 Cs VI - - 5s2.5p2 1D2 35061.4 5s.5p3 31 131766.8
1054.015 Cs VII - - 5s2.5p 23/2 19379.3 5s.(2S).5p2.(3P) 4P3/2 114254.6
1054.783 Cs III 10 - 5s2.5p5 21/2 13847.3609 5s.5p6 2S1/2 108652.967
1054.8 Cs ILIII 1 - 3s.(3p1/2.3p3/2)2 14265313/2 1426531 3s.(3p1/2.3p3/2)2 15213365/2 1521336
1055.929 Cs VI - - 5s2.5p2 3P1 12176 5s.5p3 52 106878.6
1064.889 Cs V - - 5s2.5p3 21/2 31951.1 5s.(2S).5p4.(3P) 4P1/2 125858.3
1068.473 Cs IV - - 5s2.5p4 1S0 43279.4 5s2.5p3.(4S°).5d 51 136868.6
1068.909 Cs IV - - 5s2.5p4 1D2 20754 5s.5p5 32 114307.7
1069.193 Cs V - - 5s2.5p3 25/2 20373.5 5s.(2S).5p4.(3P) 4P5/2 113901.7
1074.56 Cs VII - - 5s.(2S).5p2.(3P) 2P3/2 179340.4 5p3 25/2 272401.8
1089.98 Cs I 1 - 5p6.5d 2D3/2 14499.2568 5p5.6s.(3P°).5d 45/2 106245
1091.11 Cs I 1 - 5p6.5d 2D5/2 14596.84232 5p5.6s.(3P°).5d 45/2 106245
1092.525 Cs VII - - 5s.(2S).5p2.(3P) 2P3/2 179340.4 5p3 43/2 270870.5
1100.29 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[2]5/2 120425.101 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[2]°3/2 211309.951
1106.442 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[2]5/2 120425.101 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[3]°7/2 210805.017
1108.103 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[2]3/2 121065.66 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[2]°3/2 211309.951
1110.794 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[3]7/2 120782.636 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[4]°9/2 210808.663
1110.83 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[3]7/2 120782.636 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[3]°7/2 210805.017
1120.452 Cs VI - - 5s2.5p2 3P2 17628.2 5s.5p3 52 106878.6
1122.949 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[3]7/2 120782.636 5s2.5p4.(3P2).7p 2[3]°7/2 209834.028
1124.056 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[1]1/2 122346.271 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[2]°3/2 211309.951
1132.076 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[2]5/2 120425.101 5s2.5p4.(3P2).7p 2[2]°5/2 208758.432
1167.97 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[4]9/2 125926.848 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[5]°11/2 211545.853
1178.11 Cs III - - 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5d 2[4]9/2 125926.848 5s2.5p4.(3P2).5f 2[4]°9/2 210808.663
1178.596 Cs VII - - 5s2.5p 23/2 19379.3 5s.(2S).5p2.(3P) 4P1/2 104226.1
1181.346 Cs III - - 5s.5p6 2S1/2 108652.967 5s2.5p4.(1D2).4f 2[1]°1/2 193302.22
1187.243 Cs III - - 5s.5p6 2S1/2 108652.967 5s2.5p4.(1D2).4f 2[1]°3/2 192881.607
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