Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

Containing taxa: Animalia » Chordata » Osteichthyes » Sarcopterygii » Tetrapoda » Diapsida » Archosauria » Crocodylomorpha

Receptor Opsin λmax Filter λmax Filter λ50% Recep. λmax
Double cone principal566nm  566nm
Green cone535nm  535nm
Double cone accessory505nm  505nm
Rod500nm  501nm
Blue cone440nm  444nm

Opponent processes:
Description (+) Terminus (-) Terminus Mode
Luminance (photopic)
Double cone accessory
Double cone principal
Luminance (scotopic)
Rod   Scotopic
Double-Single cones
600nm - 555nm - 510nm
Double cone principal Green cone Photopic
Double cone principal - Double cone accessory
584nm - 538nm - 492nm
Double cone principal Double cone accessory Photopic
538nm - 486nm - 441nm
Green cone Blue cone Photopic

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Notes and References:

Nagloo N, Collin SP, Hemmi JM, Hart NS (2016) Spatial resolving power and spectral sensitivity of the saltwater crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, and the freshwater crocodile, Crocodylus johnstoni. Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 1394-1404; doi:10.1242/jeb.135673

Warrant E.J., Nilsson D.-E. (1998) Absorption of White Light in Photoreceptors. Vision Res., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 195-207. PII: S0042-6989(97)00151-X

Stavenga D., Smits R.P., Hoenders B.J. (1993) Simple Exponential Functions Describing the Absorbance Bands of Visual Pigment Spectra. Vision Res. 33(8) pp. 1011-1017. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(93)90237-Q

Note: Many species may have gaps in available data, which may be filled in with extrapolations from closely related species. The AVIAN website is copyright © 2011-2024 J. Gagnon. All rights reserved unless otherwise specified.