| Animals | Drab animals of any kind; animals with brown/tan, gray, black, or white areas |
| Animals-Birds | Birds (not iridescent or psittaciform) |
| Animals-Birds-Iridsc | Iridescent birds |
| Animals-Birds-Parrot | Parrots, parakeets, budgies, conures, cockatoos, lovebirds |
| Animals-FluorescProt | GFP and other fluorescent proteins |
| Animals-Human | Human skin tones |
| Animals-Reptile-Amphibian | Colorful lizards; colorful frogs; colorful reptiles or amphibians in general |
| Aquatic-Fish-Cichlids | Cichlids or species with similar spectra |
| Aquatic-Fish-General | Colorful fish whose spectra have not been measured |
| Aquatic-Fish-Gobies | Gobies |
| Aquatic-Fish-Tetras | Tetras |
| Aquatic-Invertebrates | Corals, mollusks, arthropods (non-stomatopod) |
| Aquatic-Stomatopod | Stomatopods ("mantis shrimps") |
| Earth-Gems | Gemstones |
| Earth-Glass | Windows (not covering entire image), green or brown glass bottles, stained glass |
| Earth-Metals | Metals |
| Earth-Rocks | Rocks, earth, sand, clay, ores |
| Lighting | Artificial lighting |
| Pigment-Dyes-Fabric | Clothing and other textiles |
| Pigment-Dyes-General | Printed items; ink; artificial food colors; items written on with markers, crayons, or colored pencil |
| Pigment-Paint | Painted objects, buildings, paved roads, vehicles (check separately if glass) |
| Pigment-Plastic | Plastic items |
| Plants | Green plants, trees, grass, aquatic green plants, wood, straw, purple leaves |
| Plants-Aquatic | Aquatic plants |
| Plants-Autumn | Autumn leaf colors |
| Plants-Flowers | Flowers |
| Plants-Fruits | Fruits, colorful vegetables |
| Sky | The sky, clouds; the sun |
| Water | Bodies of water or underwater scenes, with color of water visible (check separately if aquatic life) |
Tip: If there are visible blue shadows in the image, make sure to include "Sky" for terrestrial scenes or "Water" for underwater scenes, then highlight the shadows in green via
the (Edit) links for "blue sky", "shallow water", and/or "lake water" on the next page. Otherwise your shadows may falsely match incorrect spectra that have similar visual colors.