Image Processing

Here you can upload an image to extrapolate into a multiband image sequence, useful for predicting how a scene would look to an animal.
It is best to use a source image that has not been color enhanced in any way, not even by the camera itself. The image should be as close to raw photosensor data as possible.

Make image public

Notice: By uploading an image, you grant the webmaster of this site the right to create derivative works (i.e. the multiband output images and the spectrum-matching mask images, as well as images simulating an animal's perception) and display the original source image and said derivative works to you on this website and/or by email. You hereby certify that you have the rights to enter into this agreement. If you make the image public, you further give perpetual, worldwide permission to display such source image and derivative works on this site, and certify that you have the rights to grant that permission. If you choose to not make this processing job public, it will only be accessible to your IP address ( Anyone else in your organization using the same firewall or proxy, or anyone who otherwise accesses this site from the same IP address, will have access to this processing job. Should your IP address change, you will no longer be able to view this job unless you've made it public.

Your email address, used for sending the link to the processed job:

Image credit (required)

Main illumination source:

Categories of items in this image (not counting main illumination):

 AnimalsDrab animals of any kind; animals with brown/tan, gray, black, or white areas
 Animals-BirdsBirds (not iridescent or psittaciform)
 Animals-Birds-IridscIridescent birds
 Animals-Birds-ParrotParrots, parakeets, budgies, conures, cockatoos, lovebirds
 Animals-FluorescProtGFP and other fluorescent proteins
 Animals-HumanHuman skin tones
 Animals-Reptile-AmphibianColorful lizards; colorful frogs; colorful reptiles or amphibians in general
 Aquatic-Fish-CichlidsCichlids or species with similar spectra
 Aquatic-Fish-GeneralColorful fish whose spectra have not been measured
 Aquatic-InvertebratesCorals, mollusks, arthropods (non-stomatopod)
 Aquatic-StomatopodStomatopods ("mantis shrimps")
 Earth-GlassWindows (not covering entire image), green or brown glass bottles, stained glass
 Earth-RocksRocks, earth, sand, clay, ores
 LightingArtificial lighting
 Pigment-Dyes-FabricClothing and other textiles
 Pigment-Dyes-GeneralPrinted items; ink; artificial food colors; items written on with markers, crayons, or colored pencil
 Pigment-PaintPainted objects, buildings, paved roads, vehicles (check separately if glass)
 Pigment-PlasticPlastic items
 PlantsGreen plants, trees, grass, aquatic green plants, wood, straw, purple leaves
 Plants-AquaticAquatic plants
 Plants-AutumnAutumn leaf colors
 Plants-FruitsFruits, colorful vegetables
 SkyThe sky, clouds; the sun
 WaterBodies of water or underwater scenes, with color of water visible (check separately if aquatic life)

Tip: If there are visible blue shadows in the image, make sure to include "Sky" for terrestrial scenes or "Water" for underwater scenes, then highlight the shadows in green via the (Edit) links for "blue sky", "shallow water", and/or "lake water" on the next page. Otherwise your shadows may falsely match incorrect spectra that have similar visual colors.