Crimson rosella (Platycercus elegans)

Containing taxa: Animalia » Chordata » Osteichthyes » Sarcopterygii » Tetrapoda » Diapsida » Archosauria » Aves » Neoaves » Psittaciformes

Receptor Opsin λmax Filter λmax Filter λ50% Recep. λmax
Red cone567nm530nm590nm603nm
Double cone567nm408nm450nm567nm
Green cone509nm475nm500nm519nm
Rod510nm  510nm
Blue cone440nm408nm440nm457nm
Vio/UV cone365nm365nm

Opponent processes:
Description (+) Terminus (-) Terminus Mode
Luminance (photopic)
Double cone   Photopic
Luminance (scotopic)
Rod   Scotopic
604nm - 578nm - 519nm
Red cone Green cone Photopic
602nm - 502nm - 457nm
Green cone
Red cone
Blue cone Photopic
457nm - 426nm - 365nm
Blue cone Vio/UV cone Photopic

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Notes and References:

Oil droplet spectra, missing from the article, have been copied from Melopsittacus undulatus.

Knott B, Davies WIL, Carvalho LS, Berg ML, Buchanan KL, Bowmaker JK, Bennett ATD, Hunt DM (2013) How parrots see their colours: novelty in the visual pigments of Platycercus elegans. The Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 4454-4461

Warrant E.J., Nilsson D.-E. (1998) Absorption of White Light in Photoreceptors. Vision Res., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 195-207. PII: S0042-6989(97)00151-X

Stavenga D., Smits R.P., Hoenders B.J. (1993) Simple Exponential Functions Describing the Absorbance Bands of Visual Pigment Spectra. Vision Res. 33(8) pp. 1011-1017. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(93)90237-Q

Note: Many species may have gaps in available data, which may be filled in with extrapolations from closely related species. The AVIAN website is copyright © 2011-2024 J. Gagnon. All rights reserved unless otherwise specified.