Yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)

Containing taxa: Animalia » Chordata » Osteichthyes » Actinopterygii » Neopterygii » Teleostei » Euteleostei » Neoteleostei » Acanthomorpha » Acanthopterygii » Percomorpha » Percomorpharia » Acanthuroidei » Acanthuridae

Receptor Opsin λmax Filter λmax Filter λ50% Recep. λmax
Double cone LWS519nm  519nm
Double cone MWS510nm  510nm
Rod494nm  494nm
SWS2a cone446nm  447nm

Opponent processes:
Description (+) Terminus (-) Terminus Mode
Luminance (photopic)
Double cone LWS
Double cone MWS
Luminance (scotopic)
Rod   Scotopic
Lime-Aqua (double cones)
560nm - 520nm - 478nm
Double cone LWS Double cone MWS Photopic
526nm - 484nm - 440nm
Double cone LWS
Double cone MWS
SWS2a cone Photopic

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Notes and References:

Losey, G. S., McFarland, W. N., Loew, E. E., Zamzow, J. P., Nelson, P. A., Marshall, N. J. Visual Biology of Hawaiian Coral Reef Fishes. I. Ocular Transmission and Visual Pigments (2003) Copeia, 2003(3):433-454

Siebeck U.E., Marshall N.J. (1999) Ocular media transmission of coral reef fish - can coral reef fish see ultraviolet light? Vision Research 41 (2001) 133 - 149.

Warrant E.J., Nilsson D.-E. (1998) Absorption of White Light in Photoreceptors. Vision Res., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 195-207. PII: S0042-6989(97)00151-X

Stavenga D., Smits R.P., Hoenders B.J. (1993) Simple Exponential Functions Describing the Absorbance Bands of Visual Pigment Spectra. Vision Res. 33(8) pp. 1011-1017. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(93)90237-Q

Note: Many species may have gaps in available data, which may be filled in with extrapolations from closely related species. The AVIAN website is copyright © 2011-2024 J. Gagnon. All rights reserved unless otherwise specified.