Numata longwing (Heliconius numata)

Containing taxa: Animalia » Arthropoda » Pancrustacea » Insecta » Endopterygota » Lepidoptera » Papilionoidea » Nymphalidae » Heliconiini

Receptor Opsin λmax Filter λmax Filter λ50% Recep. λmax
Red receptor540nm540nm600nm593nm
Green receptor540nm300nm400nm540nm
Blue receptor460nm  460nm
UV receptor390nm  389nm

Opponent processes:
Description (+) Terminus (-) Terminus Mode
Green receptor   Photopic
602nm - 571nm - 540nm
Red receptor Green receptor Photopic
547nm - 495nm - 451nm
Green receptor Blue receptor Photopic
540nm - 446nm - 388nm
Green receptor UV receptor Photopic

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Notes and References:

Longwave-transmissive screening pigments and red-inclusive tetrachromacy are known for several members of this family, including the related Heliconius erato. It is almost certain that this species, too, possesses red sensitivity, in absence of evidence to the contrary.

Briscoe, A. D. & Chittka, L. (2001) The Evolution of Color Vision in Insects. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2001. 46:471-510

Warrant E.J., Nilsson D.-E. (1998) Absorption of White Light in Photoreceptors. Vision Res., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 195-207. PII: S0042-6989(97)00151-X

Stavenga D., Smits R.P., Hoenders B.J. (1993) Simple Exponential Functions Describing the Absorbance Bands of Visual Pigment Spectra. Vision Res. 33(8) pp. 1011-1017. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(93)90237-Q

Note: Many species may have gaps in available data, which may be filled in with extrapolations from closely related species. The AVIAN website is copyright © 2011-2024 J. Gagnon. All rights reserved unless otherwise specified.