Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
4989.32 Tm II 120 90
4992.78 Tm I 210 166 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)11/2 18853.823 4f12.5d.6s.6p °11/2 33638.74
4993.79 Tm II 100 78
4994.72 Tm II 65 50
5001.025 Tm I 2000 1522 4f13.(2F°7/2).5d.6s.(3D) 3[11/2]°13/2 22742.777 4f13.(2F°7/2).5d.6p.(3F°4) (7/2,4)15/2 42733.1
5001.587 Tm I 1500 1189 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(1D) 1[9/2]°9/2 39741.913
5009.77 Tm II 1500 1024
5014.56 Tm II 165 134
5017.87 Tm II 180 140
5021.123 Tm I 825 654 4f12.(3H6).5d3/2.6s2 (6,3/2)13/2 17454.818 4f12.5d.6s.6p °13/2 33812.149
5024.89 Tm I 345 279 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)15/2 18693.074 4f12.5d.6s.6p °13/2 33812.149
5027.06 Tm I 60 48 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)11/2 18990.406 4f12.5d.6s.6p °11/2 33638.74
5031.042 Tm I 45 37 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)5/2 19548.834 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[5/2]°3/2 39419.9
5034.22 Tm II 960 763
5041. Tm II 50 41
5043.505 Tm I 480 386 4f12.(3H6).5d3/2.6s2 (6,3/2)13/2 17454.818 4f12.5d.6s.6p °11/2 33638.74
5044.758 Tm I 10 10 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)17/2 16456.913 4f12.(3H6).5d.6s.6p.(4F°7/2) °15/2 36273.94
5045.408 Tm I 885 712 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f12.5d.6s.6p °11/2 33638.74
5053.043 Tm I 1000 1001 4f13.(2F°).6s2 25/2 8771.243 4f13.(2F°5/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (5/2,2)7/2 28555.799
5060.42 Tm II 210 175
5060.895 Tm I 630 512 4f13.(2F°).6s2 27/2 0 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83
5062.25 Tm I 840 683 4f13.(2F°).6s2 27/2 0 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543
5065.812 Tm I 180 151 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)11/2 18853.823 4f12.5d.6s.6p °13/2 33812.149
5065.876 Tm I 645 533 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5066.67 Tm I 50 41 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[9/2]°11/2 39479.873
5068.89 Tm I 255 213 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)17/2 16456.913 4f12.(3H6).5d.6s.6p.(4D°5/2) (6,5/2)°15/2 36179.6
5071.057 Tm I 150 126 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[7/2]°7/2 39462.782
5072.416 Tm I 80 65 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[7/2]°7/2 39462.782
5073.513 Tm I 540 446 4f12.(3H6).5d3/2.6s2 (6,3/2)13/2 17454.818 4f12.5d.6s.6p °15/2 37159.51
5076.36 Tm I 735 604 4f13.(2F°7/2).5d.6s.(3D) 3[3/2]°3/2 21799.38 4f13.(2F°7/2).5d.6p.(3F°3) 5/2 41493.034
5077.183 Tm I 50 41 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(1D) °9/2 39444.295
5080.577 Tm I 105 86 4f13.(2F°).6s2 25/2 8771.243 4f13.(2F°5/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (5/2,2)5/2 28448.585
5084.244 Tm I 20 18 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°1) (7/2,1)9/2 17613.659 4f12.5d.6s.6p °11/2 33638.74
5084.624 Tm I 30 26 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)9/2 18837.385 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5085.086 Tm I 690 568 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f12.5d.6s.6p °7/2 34365.624
5101.129 Tm I 135 114 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)11/2 18990.406 4f12.5d.6s.6p °13/2 33812.149
5107.533 Tm I 315 268 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[7/2]°9/2 39322.014
5113.97 Tm I 45 37 4f13.(2F°).6s2 27/2 0 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)5/2 19548.834
5114.55 Tm II 150 123
5120.671 Tm I 360 305 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[5/2]°5/2 39277.087
5124.516 Tm I 50 42 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)11/2 18990.406 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5127.819 Tm I 270 232 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5129.21 Tm I 40 36 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5134.282 Tm I 195 168 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[11/2]°9/2 39220.035
5135.503 Tm I 105 90 4f12.(3H6).5d3/2.6s2 (6,3/2)11/2 15587.811 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5135.682 Tm I 75 64 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)7/2 19753.83 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[11/2]°9/2 39220.035
5140.28 Tm II 20 15
5142.886 Tm I 435 376 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6p.(3P°2) (7/2,2)9/2 19748.543 4f13.(2F°7/2).6s.6d.(3D) 3[5/2]°7/2 39187.473
5147.705 Tm I 55 46 4f12.(3H6).5d5/2.6s2 (6,5/2)7/2 16957.006 4f12.5d.6s.6p °9/2 34457.853
5149.4 Tm II 25 23
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