Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
5420.38 Ce I 105 102 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 56 4746.627 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 6 23190.384
5449.24 Ce I 150 144 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 57 5802.108 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 5H7 24148.194
5468.37 Ce II 80 81 4f2.(3H).5d 4I15/2 11309.972 4f2.(3H5).6p3/2 (5,3/2)°13/2 29591.873
5472.29 Ce II 135 130 4f2.(3H).5d 4I13/2 10058.226 4f2.(3H4).6p3/2 (4,3/2)°11/2 28327.071
5512.08 Ce II 150 148 4f2.(3H).5d 4I9/2 8131.217 4f2.(3H4).6p1/2 (4,1/2)°7/2 26268.203
5556.25 Ce I 120 120 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 56 4746.627 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 7 25990.573
5565.97 Ce I 105 106 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 55 3764.008 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5I5 21725.348
5595.88 Ce I 55 55 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 56 4455.756 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5I6 22321.098
5601.28 Ce I 105 109 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 58 6809.128 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5I8 24657.245
5650.97 Ce III 10 12
5655.14 Ce I 95 92 4f.5d.6s2 35 4199.367 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (2G°).6p 6 21877.49
5664.2 Ce III 20 22
5669.96 Ce I 105 105 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) °5 3210.583 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 5I6 20842.504
5677.75 Ce I 50 51 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 56 4455.756 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 5I7 22063.473
5691.08 Ce III 10 10
5692.94 Ce I 50 50 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 55 3764.008 4f.5d.(3H°).6s.6p.(3P°) 6 21324.736
5696.99 Ce I 85 81 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 57 5315.803 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5K8 22864.055
5699.23 Ce I 85 81 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 58 6809.128 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5K9 24350.503
5710.59 Ce III 6 6
5719.03 Ce I 90 85 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 57 5802.108 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 5I8 23282.722
5749.47 Ce III 10 10
5773.12 Ce I 45 44 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 56 4746.627 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 5I7 22063.473
5788.15 Ce I 50 46 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 37 8587.973 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (2I°).6p 3K8 25859.876
5812.92 Ce I 100 92 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 56 4455.756 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5K7 21654.06
5940.86 Ce I 105 94 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 55 3764.008 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5K6 20591.937
5949.83 Ce III 15 14
5962.22 Ce III 75 62
5962.71 Ce III 20 16
5979.56 Ce III 15 12
5983.4 Ce III 30 26
6000.18 Ce I 15 10 4f.5d.6s2 33 1663.12 4f.5d.(3F°).6s.6p.(3P°) 2 18324.668
6001.9 Ce I 20 17 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) °6 7696.21 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p? 7 25260.32
6002.63 Ce III 65 50
6005.86 Ce I 40 31 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 53 2369.068 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 4 19014.863
6006.2 Ce I 10 9 4f.5d.6s2 32 228.849 4f.5d.(3F°).6s.6p.(3P°) 1 16873.7
6006.82 Ce I 30 23 4f.5d.6s2 35 4199.367 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4H°).6p 5I6 20842.504
6013.42 Ce I 45 35 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 54 2437.629 4f.5d.(3H°).6s.6p.(3P°) 5 21581.408
6016.59 Ce I 20 14 4f.5d.6s2 34 1279.424 4f2.(3H).5d (4H).6s 5 17895.539
6024.2 Ce I 75 57 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 54 3196.607 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p 5K5 19791.74
6031.26 Ce I 6 4 4f.5d.6s2 33 1663.12 4f2.(3H).5d (4F).6s 2 18238.821
6032.54 Ce III 120 87
6033.58 Ce II 3 3 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3P) °9/2 13659.329 4f.5d.(3G°).6p 9/2 31930.936
6034.2 Ce II 5 4 4f2.(3H).5d 4H11/2 11759.467 4f2.(3H4).6p3/2 (4,3/2)°11/2 28327.071
6034.41 Ce I - - 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 31 5097.777 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (2S°).6p 0 21664.821
6035.49 Ce II 5 4 4f2.(3H).5d 4H13/2 13027.758 4f2.(3H5).6p3/2 (5,3/2)°13/2 29591.873
6043.39 Ce II 40 32 4f2.(3H).5d 4H7/2 9725.733 4f2.(3H4).6p1/2 (4,1/2)°7/2 26268.203
6047.4 Ce I 20 16 4f.5d.6s2 °4 3312.24 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) (4I°).6p? 5 19843.704
6051.8 Ce II 7 5 4f.(2F°).5d2.(3F) °7/2 3703.594 4f2.(3F).5d 7/2 18393.327
6057.5 Ce I 9 7 4f.5d.6s2 33 1388.941 4f2.(3F).5d (4H).6s 4 17892.814
6058. Ce I 25 17 4f.(2F°) .5d2.(3F).6s (4F) 53 2369.068 4f.5d.(3G°).6s.6p.(3P°) 4 18871.606
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