Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
5720.6147 Y I 15 15 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 41/2 16435.907 5p2.(3P).5s e 4P1/2 33911.692
5728.886 Y II 165 157 4d2 b 1D2 14832.862 4d.5p y 32 32283.42
5729.2532 Y I - - 4d2.(1D).5s b 2D5/2 16158.865 4d2.(3F).5p x 25/2 33608.312
5732.0896 Y I 15 13 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 16816.641 5s2.(2D).5d e 2D5/2 34257.447
5740.2175 Y I - 1 4d2.(3F).5s a 4F7/2 11277.928 4d2.(3F).5p z 45/2 28694.04
5743.8608 Y I 25 25 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 47/2 17116.156 5p2.(3P).5s e 4P5/2 34521.221
5757.5887 Y I - - 4d2.(1D).5s b 2D3/2 15994.045 4d2.(3F).5p y 45/2 33357.608
5765.6556 Y I 45 41 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 16816.641 5p2.(3P).5s e 4P3/2 34155.912
5773.9423 Y I 40 40 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 43/2 16597.304 5p2.(3P).5s e 4P1/2 33911.692
5781.687 Y II 105 98 4d2 b 1D2 14832.862 4d.5p y 31 32124.054
5787.702 Y I 6 6 4d2.(1D).5s b 2D5/2 16158.865 4d2.(3F).5p z 27/2 33432.092
5788.361 Y I - - 4d2.(1D).5s b 2D3/2 15994.045 4d2.(3F).5p y 43/2 33265.298
5821.8382 Y I 165 156 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 25/2 16066.064 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D3/2 33238.011
5832.2497 Y I 105 92 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 47/2 17116.156 5s2.(2D).5d e 2D5/2 34257.447
5844.1306 Y I - - 4d2.(1D).5s b 2D5/2 16158.865 4d2.(3F).5p y 43/2 33265.298
5871.8203 Y I 120 113 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 16816.641 4d3 2P3/2 33842.417
5879.929 Y I 255 219 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 23/2 16146.138 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D1/2 33148.432
5902.9117 Y I 570 491 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 16816.641 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D7/2 33752.743
5945.6863 Y I 315 268 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 43/2 16597.304 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D5/2 33411.566
5949.9874 Y I 20 18 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 41/2 16435.907 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D3/2 33238.011
5981.881 Y I 1000 847 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 41/2 16435.907 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D1/2 33148.432
6009.1834 Y I 420 329 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 47/2 17116.156 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D7/2 33752.743
6023.408 Y I 690 534 4d.5s2 a 2D3/2 0 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 43/2 16597.304
6087.9344 Y I 1000 836 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 16816.641 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D3/2 33238.011
6135. Y I 300 198 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 47/2 17116.156 4d.5s.(3D).6s e 4D5/2 33411.566
6138.4352 Y I 795 523 4d.5s2 a 2D5/2 530.351 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 16816.641
6191.72 Y I 1500 780 4d.5s2 a 2D3/2 0 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 23/2 16146.138
6222.578 Y I 435 253 4d.5s2 a 2D3/2 0 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 25/2 16066.064
6251.05 Y I 330 183
6402.007 Y I 270 112 4d.5s2 a 2D5/2 530.351 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 23/2 16146.138
6435.022 Y I 1000 460 4d.5s2 a 2D5/2 530.351 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 25/2 16066.064
6437.1697 Y I 40 15 4d2.(1G).5s a 2G9/2 18499.315 4d2.(3F).5p x 27/2 34029.802
6443.8455 Y I 8 3 4d2.(1D).5s b 2D3/2 15994.045 4d2.(3F).5p y 43/2 31508.441
6538.568 Y I 450 128 4d2.(1G).5s a 2G9/2 18499.315 4d2.(3F).5p z 29/2 33788.956
6557.3686 Y I 45 13 4d.5s2 a 2D3/2 0 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 15245.803
6576.862 Y I 285 71 4d2.(3P).5s a 2P1/2 19237.608 4d2.(3P).5p z 21/2 34438.228
6584.8556 Y I 150 40 4d.5s2 a 2D5/2 530.351 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 47/2 15712.522
6613.731 Y II 870 203 4d2 a 3P2 14098.076 4d.5p z 33 29213.958
6622.481 Y I 85 20 4d2.(1G).5s a 2G7/2 18512.402 4d2.(3F).5p x 25/2 33608.312
6636.499 Y I 195 41 4d.5s.(1D).5p y 27/2 24899.632 4d.5s.(3D).5d 2F7/2 39963.658
6650.601 Y I 420 88 4d2.(3P).5s a 2P3/2 19406.146 4d2.(3P).5p z 21/2 34438.228
6664.42 Y I 75 15 4d.5s.(1D).5p y 27/2 24899.632 4d.5s.(3D).5d e 4F9/2 39900.541
6687.57 Y I 570 104 4d.5s2 a 2D3/2 0 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 43/2 14948.994
6694.8303 Y I 50 9 4d2.(1G).5s a 2G9/2 18499.315 4d2.(3F).5p z 27/2 33432.092
6699.2875 Y I 225 38 4d.5s.(1D).5p y 25/2 24518.751 4d.5s.(3D).5d 2F5/2 39441.591
6700.702 Y I 150 26 4d2.(1G).5s a 2G7/2 18512.402 4d2.(3F).5p z 27/2 33432.092
6713.1452 Y I 180 32 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 25/2 21528.579 4d.5s.(3D).6s f 2D3/2 36420.611
6735.9669 Y I 465 71 4d2.(3P).5s a 2P3/2 19406.146 4d2.(3F).5p x 25/2 34247.727
6793.704 Y I 435 55 4d.5s2 a 2D5/2 530.351 4d.5s.(3D).5p z 45/2 15245.803
6795.415 Y II 120 15 4d2 a 3P1 14018.267 4d.5p z 32 28730.01
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