Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
6258.097 Th I - - 6d2.7s.7p 53 15166.900593 6d4 3D3 31141.79438
6258.6068 Th II 10 6 6d2.(3F).7s 4F7/2 4146.57708 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3P) °5/2 40654.4654
6261.06436 Th II 330 181 6d.(2D).7s2 5/2 4113.35932 5f.6d.(1F°).7s °7/2 18973.77768
6261.4181 Th I 105 60 5f.6d.7s2 14 10414.137 5f.6d.7s.7p 5H5 26380.54194
6262.805 Th II - - 5f.6d.(3G°).7s 49/2 13468.96833 5f2.(3F).7s 4F7/2 29431.84884
6264.7139 Th I 2 1 5f.6d2.7s 55 17501.17592 5f.6d.7s.7p 3H4 33459.18355
6266.1737 Th II 180 95 6d3 3/2 7001.42117 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) °3/2 19050.82932
6267.188 Th I - - 6d2.7s2 3P1 3865.473772 6d2.7s.7p 51 19817.18191
6271.54421 Th I 20 12 6d2.7s2 3F3 2869.259165 6d2.7s.7p 54 18809.88631
6272.676 Th I - - 6d2.7s.7p 53 19503.14349 6d4 3 37307.1417
6274.11664 Th II 555 296 6d2.(3F).7s 4F7/2 4146.57708 5f.6d.(1F°).7s °7/2 18973.77768
6275.206 Th II - - 5f.(2F°).6d2.(1D) °7/2 31800.1933 5f2.6d+5f.6d.7p 9/2 49837.6587
6276.16528 Th I 20 10 5f.6d.7s2 34 13175.113345 6d4 3G4 29104.00388
6277.2385 Th II 225 116 6d2.(3F).7s 4F9/2 6213.49036 5f.(2F°).6d2.(1G) °9/2 22139.65746
6278.125 Th I 1 1 6d2.7s.7p 52 19516.98043 6d4 3 37307.1417
6279.1666 Th II 450 232 5f.6d.(3D°).7s °3/2 12902.37757 5f.7s.(3F°).7p 5/2 37945.1099
6280.89 Th I - - 5f.6d2.7s 55 17501.17592 6d4 4 38366.5775
6285.278 Th II 270 137 5f.6d.(3D°).7s 41/2 11725.42899 5f.7s.(3F°).7p 3/2 37821.9631
6289.4882 Th II 65 34 6d2.(1G).7s 2G7/2 9711.96192 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) °9/2 17722.98541
6295.0612 Th II 2 1 5f2.(3F).6d 5/2 40644.3356 6d2.(1G).7p °5/2 51946.8309
6304.2423 Th II 135 67 6d2.(3F).7s 2F5/2 8605.8421 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) 45/2 24463.79045
6315.77496 Th I 30 16 6d2.7s2 2 3687.987189 6d2.7s.7p 52 19516.98043
6321.1687 Th II 2 1 5f.6d.(3F°).7s °5/2 10673.13832 5f.7s.(3F°).7p 5/2 37945.1099
6321.3004 Th I 7 3 6d2.7s2 2 3687.987189 6d2.7s.7p 53 19503.14349
6321.631 Th II - - 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) 45/2 24463.79045 5f.7s.(1F°).7p 3/2 40222.9107
6322.207 Th II - - 6d2.(3P).7s 4P5/2 9061.10354 6d.7s.(3D).7p °5/2 44821.9067
6322.538 Th II - - 5f.6d.(3D°).7p 3/2 50907.806 6d2.(3F).7p °5/2 36687.9875
6323.8421 Th II 7 3 6d2.(3F).7s 2F5/2 8605.8421 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) °3/2 19050.82932
6324.3978 Th I 9 4 5f.6d.7s2 34 14206.91694 6d4 4 38366.5775
6327.27763 Th I 225 105 5f.6d.7s2 35 11197.031257 5f.6d.7s.7p 5I6 26997.24767
6328.7607 Th II 4 2 5f.6d.(3G°).7s 45/2 9585.40432 6d3 3/2 7001.42117
6332.5118 Th II 9 4 6d3 4F5/2 9400.96493 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3P) °3/2 23012.0585
6335.40604 Th III 65 30 5f.6d 33 5060.54386 5f2 3F3 20840.48853
6338.906 Th II - - 5f.(2F°).6d2.(1G) 215/2 30223.1477 5f.6d.(3H°).7p 15/2 45994.3624
6348.5614 Th II 65 30 5f.6d.(1H°).7s °9/2 22642.10563 5f.7s.(3F°).7p 7/2 38389.3755
6348.73742 Th I 105 51 5f.6d.7s2 32 8243.602091 5f.6d.7s.7p 5F2 23990.41162
6350.8958 Th I 1 1 6d3.(2F).7s 3F4 19532.41646 6d3.7p 55 35273.8804
6352.7066 Th I 3 1 6d2.7s2 3F2 0 6d2.7s.7p 51 15736.968041
6356.2198 Th II 3 1 6d2.(1G).7s 2G7/2 9711.96192 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3P) °5/2 40654.4654
6358.6212 Th II 20 9 6d3 2G9/2 19880.07926 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) °11/2 25414.92113
6359.1345 Th II 10 4 5f.6d.(3D°).7s °5/2 16033.14845 5f.7s.(1F°).7p 5/2 39366.9075
6362.2519 Th II 20 8 6d3 2G9/2 19880.07926 6d2.(3F).7p °9/2 42319.0163
6362.583 Th I - - 6d2.7s.7p 55 19588.36224 5f.6d2.7p 5K5 35300.9146
6363.2716 Th II 9 4 6d.7s2 2D3/2 0 5f.6d.(3D°).7s 23/2 15710.84204
6367.066 Th I 1 1 6d3.(2H).7s 3H4 15493.21943 5f.6d3 54 31194.70265
6374.8256 Th III 10 5 5f.7s 32 3181.5024 5f2 3F2 18863.86913
6377.495 Th II 1 - 5f.(2F°).6d2.(1G) °13/2 23187.015 5f2.(1I).7s 11/2 38862.8172
6378.7605 Th II 6 2 6d2.(1D).7s 5/2 13250.50912 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) °5/2 20310.94225
6379.1735 Th II 3 1 6d3 3/2 7001.42117 5f.(2F°).6d2.(3F) 43/2 24132.0358
6379.6731 Th I 15 6 5f.6d.7s2 34 13175.113345 5f.6d.7s.7p 5H4 25405.16237
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