Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
5082.338 Pt I 35 31 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 53 40970.1568 5d9.7s 3D2 60640.659
5164.945 Pt I 10 10 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 52 40516.229 5d9.6d 1F3 59872.128
5193.892 Pt I 35 32 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 52 40516.229 5d9.6d 3D3 59764.253
5199.232 Pt II 70 64 5d7.6s2 4F7/2 34647.266 5d8.(3F).6p (4,1/2)°9/2 53875.543
5223.116 Pt II 8 7 5d7.6s2 4F3/2 37877.855 5d8.(3P).6p (2,1/2)°5/2 57018.176
5227.646 Pt I 435 392 5d9.6s b 1D2 13496.2595 5d9.6p a 32 32620.0047
5260.845 Pt I 70 67 5d8.6s2 1G4 21967.101 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 53 40970.1568
5286.097 Pt I 65 62 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 53 40970.1568 5d9.6d 3F4 59882.41
5301.013 Pt I 2000 1945 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 56 36781.545 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)5 55640.612
5328.6 Pt I 15 16 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 53 40970.1568 5d9.6d 3P2 59731.559
5368.983 Pt I 210 198 5d8.6s2 3F2 15501.8344 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452
5387.866 Pt I 105 99 5d8.6s.(2D).6p a 31 41802.733 5d9.7s 3D1 60357.79
5390.778 Pt I 375 359 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452 5d9.7s 1D2 52667.196
5475.765 Pt I 600 605 5d9.6p 33 34122.1452 5d9.7s 3D3 52379.367
5478.48 Pt I 495 486 5d8.6s.(4F).6p b 55 38536.1439 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)4 56784.314
5514.084 Pt I 120 118 5d8.6s.(4F).6p b 53 42660.048 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)3 60790.38
5763.564 Pt I 120 115 5d8.6s.(4F).6p a 53 35321.637 5d9.7s 1D2 52667.196
5840.117 Pt I 480 435 5d8.6s2 3F2 15501.8344 5d9.6p a 32 32620.0047
5844.807 Pt I 270 241 5d8.6s.(4F).6p b 55 38536.1439 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)5 55640.612
5860.831 Pt I 465 411 5d8.6s.(4F).6p a 53 35321.637 5d9.7s 3D3 52379.367
6024.232 Pt I 120 95 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 51 43187.829 5d9.6d 1P1 59782.84
6026.02 Pt I 240 185 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 54 40194.2203 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)4 56784.314
6283.483 Pt I 180 90 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 33 44730.3062 5d9.7s 3D2 60640.659
6318.361 Pt I 225 108 5d9.6p 31 36844.695 5d9.7s 1D2 52667.196
6326.582 Pt I 360 171 5d8.6s2 1G4 21967.101 5d9.6p 33 37769.0673
6332.88 Pt I 70 34 5d8.6s.(4P).6p a 53 43945.534 5d9.6d 3P2 59731.559
6523.433 Pt I 315 96 5d9.6p b 32 37342.089 5d9.7s 1D2 52667.196
6648.305 Pt I 70 14 5d9.6p b 32 37342.089 5d9.7s 3D3 52379.367
6655.539 Pt I 70 14 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 33 44730.3062 5d9.6d a 3G4 59751.167
6710.401 Pt I 540 91 5d9.6p 33 37769.0673 5d9.7s 1D2 52667.196
6760.003 Pt I 1500 209 5d9.6p 34 37590.5647 5d9.7s 3D3 52379.367
6820.197 Pt I 20 3 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 34 50010.1497 5d8.(3F4).6s.6d.(3D?) b (4,?)4 64668.449
6838.065 Pt I 25 3 5d9.6p 32 46170.3757 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)3 60790.38
6842.596 Pt I 65 7 5d9.6p 33 37769.0673 5d9.7s 3D3 52379.367
6896.715 Pt I 20 2 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 34 50010.1497 5d8.(3F3).6s.7s.(3S1) (3,1)3 64505.827
6908.806 Pt I 20 1 5d9.6p 32 46170.3757 5d9.7s 3D2 60640.659
6956.834 Pt I 180 11 5d8.6s.(4P).6p a 52 46419.952 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)3 60790.38
6957.497 Pt I 20 1 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 34 50010.1497 5d8.(3F4).6s.6d b (4,?)5 64379.15
6975.684 Pt I 30 2 5d8.6s2 1D2 26638.576 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 53 40970.1568
6989.81 Pt I 20 1 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 34 50010.1497 5d8.(3F4).6s.6d.(3D?) a (4,?)4 64312.77
7012.016 Pt I 210 11 5d8.6s.(2F).6p a 34 50010.1497 5d8.(3F4).6s.6d.(3D?) a (4,?)5 64267.433
7030.063 Pt I 20 1 5d8.6s.(4P).6p a 52 46419.952 5d9.7s 3D2 60640.659
7056.263 Pt I 10 - 5d8.6s.(2F).6p b 33 46622.49 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)3 60790.38
7065.553 Pt I 60 2 5d8.6s2 1D2 26638.576 5d8.6s.(4P).6p 52 40787.8417
7078.074 Pt I 20 1 5d8.6s.(4F).6p b 53 42660.048 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(3S1) (4,1)4 56784.314
7094.766 Pt I 60 2 5d8.6s.(4F).6p 35 46792.9402 5d8.(3F4).6s.7s.(1S0) (4,0)4 60883.985
7113.722 Pt I 465 14 5d8.6s2 3P1 18566.545 5d9.6p a 32 32620.0047
7122.902 Pt I 225 7 5d8.6s.(4P).6p 53 51097.5087 5d9.7d 3P2 65132.886
7125.034 Pt I 240 7 5d7.(4F).6s2.6p a 35 50299.351 5d8.(3F4).6s.6d b (4,?)6 64330.516
7131.621 Pt I 30 1 5d8.6s.(2F).6p b 33 46622.49 5d9.7s 3D2 60640.659
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