Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

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H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
4686.386 Fe II - - 3d6.(3P2).4p y 45/2 60402.333 3d5.4s2 2F27/2 81734.733
4687.3026 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4s a 5F3 7728.06 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 53 29056.324
4687.3862 Fe I - - 3d7.(4P).4s b 3P2 22838.323 3d6.(3F2).4s.4p.(3P°) v 53 44166.206
4687.671 Fe I - - 3d7.(4P).4s b 3P0 23051.75 3d6.(3F2).4s.4p.(3P°) w 51 44378.342
4688.1757 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(1P°) y 52 37157.566 3d6.4s.(4D).4d 5P3 58481.855
4689.49 Fe V 1 1 3d4 3P21 24972.8 3d4 1D22 46291.1
4690.1376 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).4d 4S3/2 85728.846 3d6.(5D).6p 63/2 107044.22
4690.138 Fe I 8 4 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 51 29732.736 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d f 7D1 51048.107
4690.369 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4s a 5F1 8154.714 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 52 29469.024
4691.4114 Fe I 85 50 3d6.4s2 b 3G4 24118.819 3d6.(3H).4s.4p.(3P°) y 34 45428.402
4694.859 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4p z 35 35379.208 3d6.4s.(6D).5d 5G4 56673.145
4694.919 Fe I - - 3d8 c 3F3 33412.717 3d7.(4F).5p 32 54706.387
4696.366 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).4d e 4F5/2 86599.791 3d5.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) 67/2 107886.868
4698.24 Fe VII 1 1 3p6.3d2 3F2 0 3p6.3d2 3P2 21278.6
4700.158 Fe I 1 1 3d7.(4F).4p z 56 34843.957 3d7.(4F).6s 5F5 56113.887
4701.044 Fe I 2 1 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 51 29732.736 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d f 7D2 50998.645
4701.62 Fe III 1 1 3d6 5D3 436.19 3d6 a 3F3 21699.79
4702.601 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4p z 54 35257.324 3d7.(4F).6s 5F4 56516.218
4702.912 Fe I - - 3d7.(2H).4s b 3H6 26105.908 3d6.(3G).4s.4p.(3P°) w 56 47363.376
4704.4038 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F1).4p u 45/2 93395.407 3d6.(5D).6d 4G7/2 114646.097
4704.9478 Fe I 10 7 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 51 29732.736 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d f 5D0 50981.012
4705.4567 Fe I 2 1 3d7.(2D2).4s a 1D2 28604.613 3d7.(2G).4p v 33 49850.59
4706.2989 Fe I - - 3d6.4s2 b 3D3 29371.812 3d6.(3F2).4s.4p.(3P°) x 14 50613.983
4707.2742 Fe I 120 71 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 53 26140.179 3d7.(4F).5s e 5F4 47377.955
4707.4874 Fe I 4 2 3d7.(4P).4s b 3P1 22946.816 3d6.(3P2).4s.4p.(3P°) w 52 44183.628
4708.9682 Fe I 60 36 3d6.4s2 b 3D2 29356.744 3d7.(2G).4p z 13 50586.878
4709.0878 Fe I 25 15 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 52 29469.024 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d f 5D2 50698.62
4709.1637 Fe II - - 3d6.(5D).5p w 67/2 91167.936 3d6.(5D).7s 6D9/2 112397.186
4710.283 Fe I 25 15 3d6.4s2 b 3G3 24338.767 3d6.(3H).4s.4p.(3P°) y 33 45562.974
4712.1053 Fe I - - 3d7.(2P).4s c 3P2 24335.766 3d6.(3P2).4s.4p.(3P°) x 31 45551.767
4712.357 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 71 20019.635 3d8 3P0 41234.505
4714.07 Fe I 65 37 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(1P°) y 53 36766.966 3d6.(5D).4s (4D).4d i 5D2 57974.137
4714.118 Fe I - - 3d7.(2H).4s b 3H4 26627.609 3d6.(3F2).4s.4p.(3P°) x 35 47834.55
4714.1912 Fe I - - 3d7.(2H).4s b 3H4 26627.609 3d6.(3F2).4s.4p.(3P°) x 33 47834.221
4714.359 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(1P°) y 52 37157.566 3d6.4s.(4D).4d 5F1 58363.424
4716.839 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4p z 54 35257.324 3d6.4s.(6D).5d 7D4 56452.018
4720.13853 Fe II 1 1 3d6.(3P2).4s b 2P3/2 25787.5816 3d6.(5D).4p z 45/2 46967.4751
4721.0003 Fe I 2 1 3d6.4s2 b 3G4 24118.819 3d6.(3H).4s.4p.(3P°) y 35 45294.846
4725.307 Fe II - - 3d6.(3F2).4p y 45/2 62151.554 3d6.(5D).4d e 6F5/2 83308.241
4725.934 Fe I - - 3d6.4s2 b 1D22 34636.792 3d6.(1G2).4s.4p.(3P°) s 33 55790.696
4726.1367 Fe I - - 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 73 24180.862 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).5s e 5D2 45333.875
4727.263 Fe I - - 3d7.(4F).4p z 52 35856.402 3d6.4s.(6D).5d 7D1 57004.359
4727.3943 Fe I 15 10 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 51 29732.736 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d f 5D1 50880.102
4728.07038 Fe II 2 1 3d6.(5D).4s a 6D5/2 667.6829 3d6.(3P2).4s b 4P3/2 21812.0454
4728.164 Fe I - - 3d8 c 3F4 32873.632 3d7.(4F).5p 34 54017.581
4728.5454 Fe I 30 19 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 52 29469.024 3d6.(5D).4s (6D).4d e 7P3 50611.261
4729.0189 Fe I 2 1 3d8 c 3F4 32873.632 3d6.(3D).4s.4p.(3P°) 55 54013.752
4729.6763 Fe I 40 24 3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P°) z 53 27394.691 3d7.(4F).5s e 3F3 48531.865
4731.041 Fe I - - 3d8 c 3F4 32873.632 3d6.(3D).4s.4p.(3P°) t 53 54004.718
4731.439 Fe II 8 5 3d5.4s2 a 6S5/2 23317.6351 3d6.(5D).4p z 47/2 44446.9051
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