Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
2000.1079 Cr II 4 - 3d4.(a 3F).4s d 4F7/2 54887.9858 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(1P°) p 45/2 104869.108
2000.4227 Cr II 6 - 3d4.(a 3F).4p y 45/2 67012.0754 3d4.(5D).6d 4G7/2 116985.251
2000.6 Cr I 15 - 3d4.4s2 a 5D3 8095.1842 3d4.4s.5p r 52 58063.876
2000.8405 Cr II 5 - 3d5 b 2H9/2 35610.3087 3d4.(1F).4p v 27/2 85573.1233
2001.102 Cr II 15 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P3/2 66010.2463 3d3.(4P).4s.4p.(1P°) 43/2 115966.532
2001.6768 Cr II 3 - 3d5 b 4D3/2 25042.7595 3d4.(3D).4p y 23/2 74984.6964
2001.834 Cr II 3 - 3d5 b 4D5/2 25046.7144 3d4.(3D).4p y 23/2 74984.6964
2002.02162 Cr II 60 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P3/2 66010.2463 3d3.(4P).4s.4p.(1P°) 41/2 115943.586
2002.7602 Cr II 6 - 3d5 a 4G5/2 20512.063 3d4.(3G).4p x 47/2 70426.9907
2002.9902 Cr II 35 - 3d5 a 4G7/2 20517.792 3d4.(3G).4p x 47/2 70426.9907
2003.0491 Cr II 6 - 3d5 a 4G9/2 20519.2694 3d4.(3G).4p x 47/2 70426.9907
2003.55 Cr I 4 - 3d4.4s2 a 5D4 8307.5753 3d5.(2F1).4p s 33 58202.6
2003.611 Cr II 2 - 3d4.(a 3F).4p y 49/2 67448.5405 3d4.(5D).6d 4G11/2 117342.323
2003.89343 Cr II 35 - 3d5 a 4G11/2 20512.0959 3d4.(3G).4p y 211/2 70398.7981
2003.96 Cr II 9 - 3d5 b 4D1/2 25035.3437 3d4.(3D).4p x 41/2 74920.389
2004.0789 Cr II 3 - 3d5 a 4G11/2 20512.0959 3d4.(3G).4p y 29/2 70394.1455
2004.18 Cr II 3 - 3d5 a 4G9/2 20519.2694 3d4.(3G).4p y 211/2 70398.7981
2004.258 Cr II 10 - 3d5 b 4D3/2 25042.7595 3d4.(3D).4p x 41/2 74920.389
2004.3084 Cr II 3 - 3d5 a 4G7/2 20517.792 3d4.(3G).4p y 29/2 70394.1455
2004.3685 Cr II 20 - 3d5 a 4G9/2 20519.2694 3d4.(3G).4p y 29/2 70394.1455
2004.94 Cr I 6 - 3d4.4s2 a 5D4 8307.5753 3d5.(2F1).4p s 34 58167.82
2005.76 Cr I 8 - 3d4.4s2 a 5D4 8307.5753 3d4.4s.5p r 53 58147.845
2006.6374 Cr II 9 - 3d5 b 4D1/2 25035.3437 3d4.(3D).4p y 21/2 74853.855
2006.88 Cr I 5 - 3d5.(6S).4s a 7S3 0 3d5.(4D).4p t 53 49812.43
2006.9358 Cr II 10 - 3d5 b 4D3/2 25042.7595 3d4.(3D).4p y 21/2 74853.855
2007.19091 Cr II 30 - 3d5 a 4G5/2 20512.063 3d4.(3G).4p x 45/2 70316.8214
2007.2271 Cr II 10 - 3d4.(3D).4s c 4D7/2 38269.5694 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) u 49/2 88073.435
2007.4215 Cr II 5 - 3d5 a 4G7/2 20517.792 3d4.(3G).4p x 45/2 70316.8214
2007.858 Cr II 3 - 3d4.(3H).4p y 49/2 67353.2671 3d4.(5D).6d 4G9/2 117141.489
2007.9888 Cr II 180 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P5/2 66256.5589 3d3.(4P).4s.4p.(1P°) 45/2 116041.53
2011.01877 Cr II 70 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P5/2 66256.5589 3d3.(4P).4s.4p.(1P°) 43/2 115966.532
2011.1691 Cr II 15 - 3d5 a 6S5/2 0 3d4.(5D).4p z 45/2 49706.2607
2012.1445 Cr II 6 - 3d5 b 4D1/2 25035.3437 3d4.(3D).4p x 43/2 74717.5574
2012.443 Cr II 20 - 3d5 b 4D3/2 25042.7595 3d4.(3D).4p x 43/2 74717.5574
2012.60323 Cr II 55 - 3d5 b 4D5/2 25046.7144 3d4.(3D).4p x 43/2 74717.5574
2012.7795 Cr II 15 - 3d5 a 2G9/2 36272.5173 3d4.(1F).4p v 29/2 85939.0149
2013.6182 Cr II 5 - 3d5 a 6S5/2 0 3d4.(5D).4p z 67/2 49645.8058
2013.6943 Cr II 40 - 3d3.4s2 c 4F5/2 53271.007 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(1P°) s 47/2 102914.947
2014.11555 Cr II 45 - 3d3.4s2 c 4F7/2 53566.2511 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(1P°) s 49/2 103199.801
2014.35437 Cr II 35 - 3d3.4s2 c 4F3/2 53051.334 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(1P°) s 45/2 102678.999
2014.4389 Cr II 10 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P5/2 66256.5589 3d4.(5D4).5f 2[4]°7/2 115882.14
2015.4045 Cr II 8 - 3d4.(3D).4s c 4D5/2 38314.8348 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(3P°) u 47/2 87916.663
2015.88357 Cr II 80 - 3d3.4s2 c 4F9/2 53923.5169 3d3.(4F).4s.4p.(1P°) s 411/2 103513.546
2016.2983 Cr II 3 - 3d4.(a 3F).4s d 4F7/2 54887.9858 3d3.(a 2D).4s.4p.(3P°) o 45/2 104467.799
2016.921 Cr II 2 - 3d5 a 6S5/2 0 3d4.(5D).4p z 63/2 49564.5038
2017.0817 Cr II 7 - 3d3.4s2 c 4F5/2 53271.007 3d3.(4P).4s.4p.(3P°) q 47/2 102831.589
2017.3611 Cr II 20 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P5/2 66256.5589 3d4.(5D4).5f 2[3]°5/2 115810.273
2018.2027 Cr II 3 - 3d4.(5D).4p z 47/2 51788.8149 3d4.(a 3F).5s f 4F7/2 101321.812
2019.9432 Cr II 10 - 3d3.4s2 d 4P1/2 65882.4132 3d4.(5D2).5f 2[1]°3/2 115372.797
2020.7099 Cr II 10 - 3d5 a 2G7/2 36101.5238 3d4.(1F).4p v 27/2 85573.1233
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