Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
4131.7232 Ar II 9 1 3s2.3p4.(1D).4s 2D3/2 148620.1414 3s2.3p4.(1D).4p 21/2 172816.2926
4144.245 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 21/2 190942.722 3s2.3p4.(1S).5s 2S1/2 215065.7716
4146.6 Ar III - - 3s2.3p3.(2P°).4s 32 207233.003 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4p 3P2 231342.1658
4147.377 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4s 4P1/2 135601.7336 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 21/2 159706.5337
4149.03 Ar III - - 3s2.3p3.(2P°).4s 31 207532.33 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4p 3P1 231627.364
4152.909 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4d 2F5/2 187589.3383 3s2.3p4.(3P1).6f 2[3]°7/2 211662.06
4156.0854 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 43/2 158167.7999 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 4P3/2 182222.1209
4158.59 Ar I 135 21 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°2 93143.76 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[3/2]2 117183.5901
4162.51 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4d 2F5/2 187589.3383 3s2.3p4.(3P1).6f 2[4]°7/2 211606.542
4164.18 Ar I 105 17 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°2 93143.76 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[3/2]1 117151.3264
4168.9696 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2D5/2 172335.5985 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°5/2 196315.5916
4173.69 Ar III - - 3s2.3p3.(2P°).4s 30 207674.192 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4p 3P1 231627.364
4178.365 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4s 4P5/2 134241.7389 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 43/2 158167.7999
4179.2972 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 45/2 157673.4134 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 4P5/2 181594.1404
4181.884 Ar I 105 23 3s2.3p5.(2P°1/2).4s 2[1/2]°0 94553.6652 3s2.3p5.(2P°1/2).5p 2[1/2]1 118459.5975
4182.9667 Ar III 2 - 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4s 12 199763.4147 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4p 1P1 223663.16
4183.5909 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 43/2 191169.5946 3s2.3p4.(1S).5s 2S1/2 215065.7716
4189.6507 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(1S).4s 2S1/2 167307.9822 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 43/2 191169.5946
4190.713 Ar I 65 16 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°2 93143.76 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[5/2]2 116999.3259
4191.029 Ar I 135 32 3s2.3p5.(2P°1/2).4s 2[1/2]°0 94553.6652 3s2.3p5.(2P°1/2).5p 2[3/2]1 118407.4303
4198.317 Ar I 135 36 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°1 93750.5978 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[1/2]0 117562.9553
4198.83 Ar III - - 3s2.3p3.(2D°).3d 12 219337.54 3s2.3p3.(2P°).4p 3P1 243147.063
4199.8887 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2D3/2 172829.6539 3s2.3p4.(3P0).4f 2[3]°5/2 196633.1005
4200.674 Ar I 135 36 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°2 93143.76 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[5/2]3 116942.7542
4201.5556 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 41/2 158428.1087 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 4P3/2 182222.1209
4201.9713 Ar II 2 1 3s2.3p4.(3P).4s 4P1/2 135601.7336 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385
4203.4105 Ar II 2 1 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2D5/2 172335.5985 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[4]°7/2 196119.1021
4209.944 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 160239.428 3s2.3p4.(3P).4d 4D3/2 183986.0137
4210.95 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2D5/2 172335.5985 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°3/2 196076.4715
4214.854 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4d 2F7/2 186816.0496 3s2.3p4.(3P2).6f 2[5]°9/2 210534.939
4217.4306 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(1S).4s 2S1/2 167307.9822 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 23/2 191012.4246
4218.6648 Ar II 2 1 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 2P3/2 183090.8927
4222.6369 Ar II 2 1 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 160239.428 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 2P1/2 183914.644
4226.6091 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1D).4p 23/2 172213.8798 3s2.3p4.(1D).5s 2D3/2 195866.8503
4226.9874 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(1D).4p 23/2 172213.8798 3s2.3p4.(1D).5s 2D5/2 195864.7296
4228.1577 Ar II 5 2 3s2.3p4.(3P).4s 4P3/2 135085.9958 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 25/2 158730.2995
4229.8688 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(1S).4s 2S1/2 167307.9822 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 21/2 190942.722
4237.2195 Ar II 5 2 3s2.3p4.(1D).4s 2D3/2 148620.1414 3s2.3p4.(1D).4p 23/2 172213.8798
4243.64 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 160239.428 3s2.3p4.(3P).4d 4D5/2 183797.4473
4251.185 Ar I 105 45 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°2 93143.76 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[1/2]1 116659.9934
4255.6027 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 25/2 158730.2995 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 4P3/2 182222.1209
4256.663 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2D3/2 172829.6539 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°5/2 196315.5916
4259.362 Ar I 180 73 3s2.3p5.(2P°1/2).4s 2[1/2]°1 95399.8276 3s2.3p5.(2P°1/2).5p 2[1/2]0 118870.917
4266.286 Ar I 180 78 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°1 93750.5978 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[3/2]2 117183.5901
4266.5265 Ar II 30 13 3s2.3p4.(3P).4s 4P5/2 134241.7389 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 45/2 157673.4134
4267.49 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 43/2 158167.7999 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 4P5/2 181594.1404
4267.73 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1S).4s 2S1/2 167307.9822 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 41/2 190733.0156
4272.169 Ar I 180 80 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).4s 2[3/2]°1 93750.5978 3s2.3p5.(2P°3/2).5p 2[3/2]1 117151.3264
4275.1592 Ar II 2 1 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 21/2 159706.5337 3s2.3p4.(3P).5s 2P3/2 183090.8927
4277.5279 Ar II 15 6 3s2.3p4.(1D).4s 2D5/2 148842.4674 3s2.3p4.(1D).4p 23/2 172213.8798
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