Line Tables

These tables give observed air wavelengths for the 2000-20000 Å range for spectra other than Fr I. Outside of the 2000-20000 Å range, the wavelengths are vacuum wavelengths. Lines of Fr I are extrapolated vacuum wavelengths from known energy levels. All observed lines are from NIST ASD. All energy level information is from NIST ASD. Wavelengths from MIT Wavelength Tables have been omitted as this publication appears to still be under copyright. However, in some cases, the exact same wavelength is given by NIST and MIT; in that case, the line is included.

Line intensities have been adjusted in the visible region to match photographed visible spectra. Line intensities of Rn have been adjusted to match the Grotrian diagram of Rn I. Line intensities in the infrared and ultraviolet are less reliable, but every effort was made to estimate them as accurately as possible. The elements He, O, Cl, Ar, Kr, and Xe have had their NIR lines photographed out to roughly 11000 Å. The intensities of the "brightest" several IR lines of each of these elements, in the 7000-10000 Å range, can be trusted. For the range of 3800-8000 Å, estimated visual brightnesses (EVB) are given. A dash in either of the intensity columns means the line intensity would be less than one relative to other lines of the same spectrum.

All Spectra

H   He
Li Be   B C N O F Ne
Na Mg   Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca   Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr   Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

Entire Range | 2000-10000 Å | Visible Region | Si CCD/CMOS Region | Thermal IR | Vacuum UV
Specific Wavelength (rounded):  Å  nm
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λ, Å E. Sp.# Rel.Int. EVB Lower Config Lower Term+J Lower Level Upper Config Upper Term+J Upper Level
2003.325 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 41/2 158428.1087 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P1/2 208329.1101
2003.9101 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 160239.428 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 2D5/2 210125.7255
2004.9162 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 47/2 157234.0196 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P5/2 207095.2846
2006.8505 Ar III - - 3s2.3p3.(2P°).3d 32 189380.83 3s2.3p3.(2P°).4p 3S1 239194.033
2006.89 Ar IV - - 3s2.3p2.(3P).4s 2P1/2 256087.8 3s2.3p2.(1D).4p 23/2 305899.6
2007.178 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 4P5/2 209198.6869
2011.141 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 21/2 159706.5337 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 2D3/2 209413.5184
2014.311 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 2P3/2 145668.8845 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[1]°3/2 195297.6798
2015.3171 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 45/2 157673.4134 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P3/2 207277.3869
2018.7552 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 25/2 158730.2995 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 2P3/2 208249.7978
2021.76 Ar II - - 3s.3p6 2S1/2 108721.537 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 43/2 158167.7999
2022.73 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 45/2 157673.4134 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P5/2 207095.2846
2023.1164 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 25/2 158730.2995 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 4F7/2 208143.0731
2024.733 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 2P1/2 208765.8367
2025.1844 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 2P3/2 145668.8845 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[2]°5/2 195031.2028
2026.602 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 2P3/2 145668.8845 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[2]°3/2 194996.5613
2028.558 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 4F5/2 208673.3904
2032.1774 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 2P3/2 145668.8845 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[3]°5/2 194861.3529
2034.7624 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P3/2 147503.1134 3s2.3p4.(3P0).4f 2[3]°5/2 196633.1005
2035.629 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 43/2 158167.7999 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P3/2 207277.3869
2039.4919 Ar II 3 - 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2G9/2 154181.4942 3s2.3p4.(1D).5p 27/2 203197.5711
2042.3607 Ar II 3 - 3s2.3p4.(1D).3d 2G7/2 154204.024 3s2.3p4.(1D).5p 25/2 203151.2627
2046.155 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 2P3/2 208249.7978
2046.4925 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P1/2 147228.0521 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°3/2 196076.4715
2047.9994 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P3/2 147503.1134 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°5/2 196315.5916
2050.3242 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P5/2 147875.9477 3s2.3p4.(3P0).4f 2[3]°5/2 196633.1005
2050.7924 Ar II 10 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P5/2 147875.9477 3s2.3p4.(3P0).4f 2[3]°7/2 196621.9658
2057.5127 Ar II 10 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P3/2 147503.1134 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°5/2 196089.9385
2058.0835 Ar II 3 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P3/2 147503.1134 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°3/2 196076.4715
2058.82 Ar IV - - 3s2.3p2.(3P).4s 2P3/2 257343.58 3s2.3p2.(1D).4p 23/2 305899.6
2059.1973 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 25/2 158730.2995 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P3/2 207277.3869
2060.079 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 160239.428 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 2P1/2 208765.8367
2060.855 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 21/2 161089.3846 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 2P3/2 209597.4982
2061.89 Ar IV - - 3s2.3p2.(3P).4s 2P3/2 257343.58 3s2.3p2.(1D).4p 25/2 305827.4
2063.7647 Ar II 1 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P5/2 147875.9477 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°5/2 196315.5916
2064.15 Ar III - - 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4p 1P1 223663.16 3s2.3p3.(2D°).4d 12 272093.5
2064.211 Ar II 15 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P5/2 147875.9477 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°7/2 196305.1289
2073.4254 Ar II 5 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P5/2 147875.9477 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°5/2 196089.9385
2074.003 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P5/2 147875.9477 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[2]°3/2 196076.4715
2076.184 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 43/2 161048.7411 3s2.3p4.(3P).6d 4P5/2 209198.6869
2079.653 Ar II 9 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P1/2 147228.0521 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[1]°3/2 195297.6798
2080.3555 Ar II 10 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P1/2 147228.0521 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[1]°1/2 195281.4505
2082.1077 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(1D).4s 2D3/2 148620.1414 3s2.3p4.(3P0).4f 2[3]°5/2 196633.1005
2086.816 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4F5/2 143107.6801 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 23/2 191012.4246
2087.718 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(3P).4p 23/2 159393.385 3s2.3p4.(3P).7s 4P3/2 207277.3869
2091.6231 Ar II 10 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P3/2 147503.1134 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[1]°3/2 195297.6798
2091.6405 Ar II 3 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4F7/2 142717.0965 3s2.3p4.(3P).5p 25/2 190511.2674
2092.3334 Ar II 3 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P3/2 147503.1134 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[1]°1/2 195281.4505
2092.7643 Ar II 2 - 3s2.3p4.(3P).3d 4P1/2 147228.0521 3s2.3p4.(3P2).4f 2[2]°3/2 194996.5613
2095.976 Ar II - - 3s2.3p4.(1D).4s 2D3/2 148620.1414 3s2.3p4.(3P1).4f 2[3]°5/2 196315.5916
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